Have we talked about it?

Monday, December 12, 2011

What We Are About...

Hey Everyone!
                This blog is about anything and everything that we have a passion for. From movies to music, from electronics to games, we will preview and review anything. For more than a decade now, we have made our way through all forms of entertainment and have come up with several opinions; which anyone that knows us will agree that we make sure is heard.

                We will rate everything with our own scale and give our opinions on whether or not something is actually worth your time and money so that you don't have to.

                 This Blog is dedicated to those who listen to what we say and end those big conversations with, "wow, you guys need to start a blog."

                   What qualifies us to write this is our love of movies, games, music, anything that is worth knowing. We know what we talk about and we are educated with our opinions. We know Music. We know Movies. We know it all.

                                                                Colt And Joe
                                                           The Know-it-Alls

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